Friday, March 14, 2008

Advertising Balloons just got a lot brighter!

Southern Balloon Works Inc., a division of Aerial Products Corporation,has announced the production of a new solution for the aerialadvertising industry. The company has rolled out an illuminatedpolyurethane balloon which is called a "NightLight."These illuminated balloons, or NightLights, are unique to the marketbecause they are mounted to a backpack and designed to allow theadvertiser to make an impact among crowds at night. The large balloon has ample surface area and excellent graphic reproduction qualitycoupled with the power of its illumination. As the NightLight travelsaround the advertiser's chosen venue, the lighted message simply cannotbe missed. An additional benefit of using this medium also resides inthe fact that the person wearing the backpack can interact with thecrowd, thus furthering the advertiser's message. NightLights are aperfect solution for a variety of locations: shopping centers, concerts,store fronts and political rallies. They can also be mounted to astationary base for use at trade shows and for displays in conventioncenters."NightLights provide a unique opportunity for capturing more eyeballs asthe balloon travels above the height of the crowd. We see this as aslam-dunk solution for the upcoming presidential election." said AerialProducts Corp. CEO Kevin M. Hess.Southern Balloon Works builds the highest-quality lighter than airproducts with offerings such as giant advertising balloons, advertisingblimps, and remote control blimps to serve the aerial advertisingindustry. The company also has a solid and growing customer base withits commercial aerial photography systems.For questions regarding the company please contact the Director of MediaRelations, Felicia Bonforte, at 386-734-0747 .
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Sunday, March 2, 2008

A little diddy about advertising blimps and balloons.
We have always been fascinated by things that fly. In the past, anythingthat could break the binds of earth; birds, the moon, even the stars,would capture your attention. Today we are used to airplanes,helicopters and even space shuttles. But what still gets our attentionis movement in the sky. Airborne blimps and balloons can do what nobillboard, on wooden legs and driven into the ground, can do; captureyour attention!A blimp or a balloon in the air has motion and usually nothing betweenyou and the blimp to prevent you from seeing it. There is no better wayto get your message across to thousands of people, that happen to be inyour area and possibly looking for your product or service!Advertising is all about things that are unusual because commonality isboring and leaves no impression. Billboards, Yellowpage ads, even TV adsare common and boring. There are few things on earth more unusual thansomething that floats in the air, with no propellers and no propulsion.As advertising mediums go, you don't get more unusual than a bright,well-designed blimp or balloon defying gravity.Advertising blimps and balloons are a very cost-effective means ofreaching thousands of potential customers. Whether used outdoors nearyour place of business or at trade shows they float above thedistractions and get noticed. We typically recommend a special shapedballoon called a spheroid for use at trade shows because it has a largesurface area for digital printing. For outdoor use we recommend 8 ft. to10 ft. ball balloons or 15 ft. to 30 ft. blimps. For nighttime use youcan light up your balloon or blimp with one of our halogen lightingsystems.To really get noticed, a Remote Control (RC) blimp is amazinglyeffective. Southern Balloon Works and Aerial Products have a wideselection of models for indoor and outdoor events. From 6 ft. units fortrade shows to huge 22 ft. outdoor machines, including the world's onlyGoodYear authorized replica blimp, complete with a high-definition camera.Lastly, in the spirit of being unusual and innovative, we are pleased tooffer a cool product called the NightLight! These are portable, lightedballoons on a backpack. We can print pictures, logos and other artworkon any of our products. The NightLights! are awesome at trade shows,towne centers, large gatherings and political rallies.Blog brought to you by Tennessee Web::

Saturday, March 1, 2008

EagleEye In The Sky takes flight over Sevierville Tennessee

Today East Tennessee's premiere multi media company, S.D. Professionals, LLC launched it's "EagleEye In The Sky" blimp over Sevierville, Tennessee. The company is testing it's new Wireless-Remote H.D. Video Camera aboard the 15ft blimp today in efforts to provide a free service to visitors of the Great Smoky Mountains.

The plan is to allow visitors to log onto to see a live view of incoming and outgoing traffic from I40 all the way through Hwy66 and up to the main Parkway leading into the national forest.

The initial launch was a success and the live video feed is scheduled for launch not later than March 28, 2008.

Here are photos taken to show the coverage area of the live video feed.
Stayed tuned and keeping looking up!!!!