Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Washington Co., Virginia Imagination Library

Tornado Ravished Glade Spring Rebuilds

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Pitches In

Glade Spring residents welcome a large book donation by local Washington Co., Virginia Dolly Parton Imagination Library affiliate after being decimated by a tornado spawned by a passing line of severe thunderstorms. Lives were lost and many were left homeless but almost immediately the incredible residents picked themselves up, and started rebuilding. Being a proud part of this community, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library did what it does best! They pulled together over a ton of books for children and headed to the local library. They were greeted by dozens of smiling faces anxiously awaiting a chance to get a free book.

We were there to cover this wonderful event as it took place and put this short video together as part of our “Imagination Moments” video series.Bookmark and Share

Washington Co., Virginia Imagination Library

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